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The Site is the property of AC RESTAURANT, with a capital of 5000 euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Nice under number 912 416 302, whose head office is located at:

14 rue Maccarani – 06300 - Nice - France 
Such. : +33 (0)4
93 54 61 85

Terms of Service

The Site is an intellectual work protected by intellectual property rights. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, for other purposes on any medium is prohibited without the express prior authorization of AC RESTAURANT and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L 335-2 and following of the property code. intellectual. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter.

The Site and each of its constituent elements such as, in particular, brands, texts, illustrations, logos, company names, products, photographs are the exclusive property of AC RESTAURANT.

The hypertext links implemented within the Site to other sites and generally to all existing resources on the Internet cannot engage the responsibility of AC RESTAURANT.

The use of the Site is carried out exclusively under the responsibility of the user. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is granted by AC RESTAURANT.

French legislation

These legal notices and the conditions of use of the Site are subject to French law.

Personal data

Within the meaning of the law applicable to the protection of personal data, and in particular within the meaning of the General Regulations on Data Protection ("GDPR") and Law No 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the person responsible for processing personal data is the company AC RESTAURANT.

The personal data that we can collect are the surnames, first names, email addresses of the user of the Site. Personal data is exclusively processed by AC RESTAURANT in the interest of the restaurant l'Alchimie. The purpose of the processing of personal data is to:

– Process and respond to requests from users of the Site via the “Contact” section and thus provide them with the information they have requested.

– Make a reservation at the restaurant L'Alchimie via the "Book" section and thus provide the best service requested by its customers.

– The time required to process the request when the user of the Site has contacted us via the “Contact” section.

The user of the Site has a right of access, rectification, erasure of personal information concerning him, as well as a right of opposition or limitation of the processing concerning him, which he can exercise at any time. moment by clicking on le next link or by writing to:

14 rue Maccarani – 06300 - Nice - France 

Such. : +33 (0)493 54 61 85

Finally, the user has the right to the portability of his data as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.



14 rue Maccarani

06000 Nice




Tuesday - Saturday

11:00 am - 6:00 pm

Thursday & Friday

Afterworks until 11 pm


Tel: +33 4 93 54 61 85


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